If you are a participating landlord in the J. D’ Amelia HCV (Section 8) or CT Rental Assistance Program (RAP) please be aware that your monthly HAP payments are NOT made by the West Hartford Housing Authority. Monthly HAP payments for these programs are made by J.D’Amelia’s office on a monthly basis only.
If you have not received your monthly HAP check we are happy to be of assistance; but are unable to issue any missing HAP checks under these specific programs. Please contact your assigned Housing Specialist to request our help in researching and communicating the issue with J. D’Amelia’s office. If a check has not been cashed, it must be canceled to reissue, therefore, you will receive the reissued HAP check after J.D’Amelia’s next monthly HAP check run.
We strongly encourage all participating landlords to sign up for direct deposit. You can do this by visiting J.D’Amelia’s website, www.jdamelia.com, and registering on their landlord portal. Earlier this year, all participating J. D’Amelia landlords received a letter via mail introducing a new landlord portal where landlords can update their address, access payment history, print a copy of their 1099, complete direct deposit input/changes, etc… If you are registering for the first time, you will need a registration number which can be easily obtained by contacting your assigned Housing Specialist. We will generate this for you so you can complete the online registration process.
Please note, you will not able to change your Social Security Number or Tax ID number on the landlord portal. If you need to update this information you must request and submit a new W9 form with the Housing Specialist assigned to your tenant(s).
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.